Saturday, March 31, 2012

An Update...Still Pregnant, Sighs

Oh my, it's been quite a few days since I've been able to sit down and write a blog post... Who knew preparing for the baby could be so tiring :( I'm currently 3 days overdue with no signs of labor so I've been having to attend various appointments to see how the baby is doing. She is a stubborn little kiddo and I have a good idea who she gets it from :)

But it's been great to have some energy to clean the apartment (and have it stay clean too!) and get some projects worked on as well. It's a rainy and windy day so it looks like it will be a quiet afternoon (well's barely 10:30). But with everything being so hectic and crazy, I've only the energy to throw up an update instead of a regular topic. Maybe later this afternoon I've be back up and running (for the time being anyway!)


  1. Oh no:( Hopefully you have had your sweet baby by now! Thanks for linking up to Finally Friday!
    Good luck!

  2. hang in there!!! and good luck!
